Tongue tie and lip tie are common conditions in newborns that can make breastfeeding challenging for mothers. Our dentists are certified and specialize in providing laser lip and tongue tie revisions for infants, babies, and children. We have seen incredible results within minutes after the procedures, with mothers who were previously unable to breastfeed due to a bad latch being instantly able to nurse their babies. Additionally, we have witnessed mothers who experience discomfort and pain while breastfeeding being able to breastfeed and nurse their babies without pain after the lip or tongue tie revision.
At Olive Tree, the treatment for lip and tongue ties is simple and quick. Dentists at our clinic use a laser to reduce pain and accelerate healing after the procedure. Before starting, a numbing cream is applied to the specific area for the patient’s comfort. Older children have reported feeling no pain during the laser procedure, while infants may become upset while their mouths are open. Parents may choose to stay in the room or wait while our team performs this gentle procedure.
Lip and tongue tie surgeries have significant benefits for both infants and children. If you notice any symptoms of lip or tongue tie in your child, please contact us right away to schedule a consultation with our highly skilled and proficient dentists at Olive Tree. We are dedicated to resolving these issues and providing the best possible care for your child.
The position of the tongue can directly affect breathing. When a child has a tongue tie, their tongue may not be able to move out of the way, which restricts the passage of air through the throat and can result in more mouth breathing. Additionally, it can cause the tongue to fall back and obstruct the throat at night, leading to snoring or sleep apnea.
Like any surgical procedure, lip or tongue tie revision carries some risks and potential side effects, such as postoperative bleeding, pain, or weight loss as the child adjusts to a new feeding method. In rare cases, it may also result in breathing difficulties.